Sherri McNeill

Nov 30, 2019

ShopSmall with SweetSavours!

Did you know that every time you pick up a coffee at your local café, grab lunch at the mom-and-pop shop or buy a new bag from a local store, you're making an impact in your community. In fact, for every dollar spent at a small business in the United States, approximately 67 cents stays in the local community. To make this point more apparent, 10 years ago, American Express began Small Business Saturday. AMEX believes small businesses are at the core of every successful neighborhood and encourages people to ShopSmall the Saturday after Thanksgiving and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses in your local areas.

SweetSavours thanks you for Shopping Small with us! There are new products that have been added to the line and when you complete your purchase, be sure to enter SBS2019. From SweetSavours, you'll be rewarded when you ShopSmall and you'll receive a Small Business Saturday Reward. Here are a few of the newbies.

BodiBudda helps you lock moisture into you skin and avoid the dry, cracked after effects of the cold, dry winter air. This skin loving, water-free balm is a combination of natural oils and butters whose properties are known to be soothing, skin regenerative, moisturizing and healing. Into the butters is blended natural oils that bring load of vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals to BodiBudda and are known to be moisturizing, nourishing, regenerative, softening and soothing. BodiBudda is available in a 4 ounce or 8 ounce jar. It is made without fragrance however, you may choose from any one of the available fragrance oils to scent your Budda. Please write your fragrance choice in the memo box when you order.

Just because the temperatures have dropped doesn't mean your skin won't need moisture. When it needs a little extra, mist it with Botanical Hydration Face & Body Mist. This mist is lightweight, oil-free and contains NO alcohol to burn, irritate or further dry your skin. It is enriched with Aloe Vera and Botanical Extracts, that are rich in protein building blocks, help nourish and condition your skin and hair and helps you say goodbye to dry skin! Face & Body Mist may be lightly fragranced with the oil of your choice. Please write your fragrance choice in the memo box when you order.

Fresh Room Spray is another SweetSavours newbie and it's for you to savour the air in your home. Fresh is an alcohol free, water based Odor Neutralizer Spray that will eliminate bad smells in seconds using advanced technology that zaps them at the source. This is a room and linen formula that can be used in neutralizing pet odors, cigarette smoke, cooking and bathroom odors. resh freshens and deodorizes linens, towels and clothing with a unique conditioning agent.  Fresh can be ordered fragrance free and used to eliminate foul odors. Or you may choose from any of the available fragrance oils. You may even mix things up and have a different fragrance for each room in your home. Please write your fragrance choice in the memo box when you order.

SweetSavours has had a great 2019 and small changes are being made for 2020. We are working on changing the product packaging and as we make more product, we need to move the old products off the shelves. Please, help us clear our shelves to make room for the new products in their new packaging. There will be substantial discounts for products that are still within their “use by” dates but are not in the new packaging. Please, on Saturday, November 30, 2019 take a look at the clearance items while you're shopping.

Until the next post, continue to savour that skin you're wrapped in! Hugs from SweetSavours and me!!!
